Early Bird of £97 for one week only

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Wouldn't you like to know how to make money while you sleep?

I love coaching one-to-one, but I became increasingly frustrated by the feast-or-famine nature of the work. But in the quiet times, I enjoyed getting my teeth into projects and became passionate about creating courses to share with clients. This led me to spend thousands of pounds learning how to create courses and memberships to balance the quiet times. And, I have to tell you, passive income is fun. Not only do you get to share what you’re passionate about with more people, but you make money while you sleep. And now, I’m bringing all my knowledge together to share with you so you can make money in the quiet times too..

This programme is for you

  • if you want to powerfully serve more people at one time

  • if you want a semi-passive income to enjoy earning while you sleep

  • if you want to stop trading time for money

  • if you want to launch your business into the online space to reach more people

  • if you love your business but don’t love hustling for new clients

  • if you’d love to create a learning experience but don’t know where to start

  • If you want to share your knowledge and expertise with many rather than one to one

  • if you want a way to serve clients who can’t afford you without giving up too much time

What's included:

Find out what's on the inside

  • Eight Modules

  • Workbooks for each module

  • Over four hours of video

  • Listen to the audio

  • Read the transcript

  • PLUS: Two 30 minute Live Zoom group support calls

Module One

Create a Roadmap

Discover how a roadmap increases engagement and retention in your membership or course.
Programme Roadmap

Module Two

Different Membership, Course and Pricing Models

Which model of membership or course do you want to create? We look at how the different models inform the content you create and how much time you spend inside your programme.

Module Three

Clarifying your Idea

You may not have an idea yet. Or you might have too many ideas? I'll help you to get clear on your big idea and bring it to life.
Many different lightbulbs

Module Four

Discover your Ideal Client

This is where you drill down to find your ideal client and how to find them.
client avatar

Module Five

Creating Compelling Content

What information are you going to share? Think about your clients and what they want. How do you want to present your content? Pdf's? Emails? Video? Audio? Webinar?
Post it notes on a wall

Module Six


This is where things get exciting. We'll look at different marketing strategies and stages, promotions and platforms.
Marketing strategy

Module Seven

Filming and Recording Your Programme

I'll show you how to video and record your programme. And choose the platform to host your membership or course.
Recording a course

Module Eight


It's finally time to launch. We'll look at the different launch types and how to successfully launch your programme to the world.
rocket launch


  • Can I create a course or membership if I’m not very good at tech?

    Absolutely. I will walk you through the basic tech for you to produce a beautiful programme without coding or fuss.

  • I don’t know how to take payment?

    No problem. I'll show you how to set up and add a payment gateway for you to take a fee.

  • How do I organise my content?

    I'll show you how to add your content however you produce it whether that is video, written text, pdf or live Zoom calls

  • What if I can’t keep up?

    You have lifetime access to this programme so you can take the modules whenever you want and come back and rewatch whenever suits you.

Why Can I Help You?

I’ve been coaching for over a decade, I’ve written Kindle no.1 books, created bestselling courses and successful memberships. I know what it’s like to have a full client list but no time. And I’ve spent thousands learning how to create courses and memberships, and I want to share my knowledge with you so you can do the same.

Elaine Hilides

I'm Elaine, MA, Dip.Psych, Dip.Diet and Nutrition, a Three Principles Coach and Facilitator since 2010. I'm also a Three Principles Trainer, a no.1 selling author and International Speaker.